Thursday 18 August 2011

A year of new beginning, excitement and tons of learning

My year runs to end of August. The time I spend back in my own Bulgaria naturally marks the end and the beginning. And it feels like this is a much better point in time than the one suggested by the calendar.

So here it is again - it is that time of the year. I am off tomorrow and have 10 days to go through my "rebirth" once more. And before I go there's a few things I shall write down to remind me of 2011.

"What a year" are probably the only known 3 words that can fully describe it. While 2010 was a(nother?) year of frustration, ridiculous events at work, lots of sadness to go through with the only real highlight being the visit to India, 2011 brought the new beginning I was so long preparing and longing for, two visits to dream destinations and most important of all - finally - a work place where I no longer have to deal with any of the weirdness and frustration that were built into my days before. LeaveWizard also made a significant step to becoming a success and as time goes by working on the product continues to be a privilege and pleasure.

The significance of the events in 2011 is so immense for me that words cannot describe it well enough. If I achieve the same in the next twelve months I'd be extremely happy. I hope at the very least I do not miss many opportunities to learn and I also hope that together with this amazing team we can build the right product right (or at least get as close to that as possible).

So with that I am off to get a few days break, some sunshine and generally restart. Ta-da.

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