Friday 18 December 2009

Agile links #1

There is something about all the links to blog posts, articles, videos, etc. The information these sources have is usually very interesting. At the same time I find it more and more difficult to find enough spare time to read them all. I have tried emailing links to myself, tweeting to myself and many other tactics with mixed success but mainly no success ;). So Now I decided to stock them here on my blog so I have the links without growing my bookmarks to unmanageable level and still am able to access the links later when I find a few spare minutes. So here goes agile links #1:

People Polling @ tasty cupcakes

Systems Thinking: The Fifth Discipline of Learning Organizations By Marty Jacobs

Leadership and systems thinking.

Presentation Tip: How To Tell A Story

5 Secrets to the Hidden Job Market

Abolishing Performance Appraisals - a book I might buy
The Airplane Game - A pratical introduction to Agile/SCRUM

Notes on Starting an Agile User Group

100 Impediments A look at impediments a team may need to address.

That's all I have for now.. I hope this might be useful for someone else as well ;)

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