Monday 26 April 2010

Weekly agile links 26th April - 7th May 2010

Here's an extended week due to me going on a training for several days and then picking up the pieces in all the areas I am engaged with... Due to being busy I have not read most of these so would be difficult to recommend any.. What I can recommend is the Agile Coaches Gathering UK in Milton Keynes in July. All details are here

So my link over the last few weeks.. I am sure there's plenty of interesting stuff that I need to catch up ..

It’s All The Same – Leadership Challenges and Organizational Dynamics by Mark Graban

What is Kanban? Agile Denver meet on Kanban lean software development methodology, presented by Frank Vega and Brad Swanson.

Saving your job or speaking the truth No comment really.. I need to keep saving my job..

Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action Sounds intriguing and on my favourite subject- leadership

Real Developers Don't Need Unit Tests Interesting point of view in the era of TDD, BDD, EDD and ?DD..

Why You Shouldn’t Hire the Best and the Brightest Candidate By Michelle Malay Carter

The Role of the Agile Coach Allan Kelly summarizes it for the benefit of everyone who needs the extra explanation.

How One Leads Others: The Tone at the TopBy Dr. Jeffrey Magee, PDM, CSP, CMC.. this is part 7 so perhaps best to start from the beginning (only if it was easy to find it)

WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT LEADERSHIP AND DELEGATION and TWO POSTURES TOWARD CHANGE Two interesting posts by Michael Hyatt on leadership and change

2 ideal cases for continuous flow another post about why choose Kanban over Scrum .. got the mesage

Building an Agile Environment this looks very interesting to me, especially we as a team have had the chance to change our environment to suit us..

How to give a talk One to check later. could be useful. these days it is very likely that at some point you will be required to give a talk..

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